Drawn up from various sources
Edited by Eef Dijkhof and Michel van Gent
The historiography of the Netherlands in the Late Middle Ages and early modern era owes a great deal to the work done by J.G. (Hans) Smit as the editor of many source publications. For instance, he delivered the series Bronnen voor de geschiedenis der dagvaarten van de Staten en steden van Holland voor 1544 (Sources on the History of the Meetings of the States and Cities of Holland before 1544) a reconstruction of the meetings of the noblemen of Holland and the cities from 1276. He also ensured the completion of the database of De correspondentie van Willem van Oranje (The Correspondence of William of Orange) with almost 13,000 letters from and to William of Orange (1533-1584).
On the occasion of J.G. Smit’s 65th birthday, a varied group of researchers presented to him a collection entitled Uit diverse bronnen gelicht (Light Shed from various Sources). This collection elucidates many subjects, including but not restricted to those involving the Middle Ages.