The Chronicle of the Margaretha-monastry
The Chronicle of the Margaretha-monastry has been transcribed and translated by volunteers of the taskforce Gouda op Schrift (Gouda in Writing). The Chronicle is part of the Cartulariumof the monasty that covers the period 1453-1522 and that is preserved in the Streekarchief Midden-Holland (Archives of Mid-Holland) in Gouda (Kloosterarchieven / monstryarchives 0091. 95, 12 + 34 folia, parchment; the Chronicle on fol. 1 ā 6v).
The Chronicle describes the history of the monastry from the first cohabitation of devout women in 1386 until the year 1453. On request by Heyman Florisz, prior of the monastry, the Chronicle is written by his socius Lambert Willemsz. Its focus is on the problems of the monastry and how they were overcome.