
A description of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) by Pieter van Dam 1693-1701

Acta classis of the Dutch reformed church from 1573 to 1620

Amsterdam notarial deeds relating to the trade with Archangel in the period 1594-1724

Andries Vierlingh, Tracts on dikes 1576-1579

Anthonie Heinsius and the Dutch Republic. Politics, War, and Finance

Archives ou correspondance inédite de la maison d’Orange-Nassau

Associations for poverty care and prevention in the 19th century

Bartholomaeus Anglicus – De proprietatibus rerum

Beatrix and Constantijn. Correspondance between Béatrix de Cusance and Constantijn Huygens 1652 -1662

Biographical dictionary of the Netherlands

Biographical Dictionary of the Netherlands: 1780-1830

Biographical Dictionary of the Netherlands: 1880-2000

Biographical Lexicon for the history of Dutch Protestantism

Bookkeeper-General Batavia. The Circulation of Commodities of the Dutch East India Company in the Eighteenth Century


Charters from Gelre and Zutphen 1148-1326

Charters from Holland and Zeeland 726-1299

Charters from Utrecht Foundation until 1301

Charters of Kloosterrade Abbey 1108-1381

City Description Franco de Vrije

Clusius correspondence

Codex documentorum sacratissimarum indulgentiarum Neerlandicarum. Papal indulgences 1300-1600

Compendium of office holders and civil servants 1428-1861

Constitutions and the Organisation of Government during the Batavian era, 1796-1806

Construction of Utrecht Cathedral 1395-1529

Contributions and Notices of the Historical Society – ‘Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Historisch Genootschap’

Contributions from the Netherlands Historical Institute in Rome 1921-2002

Contributions to National History and Archaeology – ‘Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde’

Contributions to the History of the Netherlands – ‘Bijdragen voor de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden’

Conventions and other regional meetings of Estates and towns of Gelre and Zutphen 1423-1584

Correspondance de Guillaume le Taciturne, prince d’Orange

Correspondance of Isabelle de Charrière

Correspondence between Elias Canneman and Isaac Jan Alexander Gogel

Correspondence Francesco Capaccini

Correspondence of Anthony Heinsius 1702-1720

Correspondence of Hugo Grotius 1597-1645

Correspondence of Simon van Slingelandt and Sicco van Goslinga 1697-1731

Correspondence of the Dutch and Frisian Stadtholders’ Wives, 1605–1725

Correspondence of Willem III and of Hans Willem Bentinck 1656-1702

Data concerning personal effects and real estate in the Netherlands in the 16th century

De nieuwe Schouburg der Nederlantsche Kunstschilders en Schilderessen

Description of the city of Gouda by Adriaen Vereyck

Description of the city of Gouda by Paulus Doncker

Description of the city of Gouda: Inventory 1771

Development Cooperation 1945-1977

Diaries J.C. van Aalst

Diplomacy and Development. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents

Diplomatic Witnesses

Disclosure and publication of documents concerning Dutch constitutional committees, 1883-1983

Documentary edition on the history of Amsterdam’s business community and guilds

Documented sources on the history of Dutch trade with England, Scotland and Ireland

Documents concerning the foreign policy of the Netherlands 1848-1945

Documents regarding Church and School in the provinces of Ambon, Ternate and Banda during the East India Company, 1605-1791

Drawn up from various sources

Dutch and foreign diplomats 1584-1810

Dutch artists and scholars in Italy 745-1862

Dutch Biography Portal

Dutch naval wars 1652-1676

Dutch Ships and Sailors

Dutch trade with the Baltic Sea region 1122-1499

Dutch-Indonesian Relations 1945-1969

Dutch-Indonesian relations 1950-1963

DWC – Digital Webcentre for the History of Science in the Low Countries


Egbert Alting’s journal 1533-1594

Elections Dutch Lower Chamber 1848-1918

Emigration 1945-1967

ePistolarium (Circulation of Knowledge and Learned Practices in the 17th-century Dutch Republic)

Estates and towns of Holland 1276-1544

Estates and towns of Zeeland 1318-1572

Excerpta Romana. Sources of the Roman history of the Netherlands

Exchange Banks in Amsterdam, Middelburg, Delft and Rotterdam 1603-1820

Financial accounts of Putten’s domains and properties 1379-1429

Financial accounts of the County of Holland 1358-1361 and 1393-1396


Gisbert Cuper’s Journal 1706

Gouda Notes by Van Abbesteech

Groen van Prinsterer. His written legacy. Correspondence from 1808-1876 and papers from 1821-1876

Guide to the archives of the ministries and the High Councils of State, 1814-1940

Guyana ordinance book 1670-1816

Healthcare insurers 1870-1968: a research guide

Heber-Serrure Codex

Historisch Tijdschrift

History Journal

History of National Painting

History of the Dutch Mission and Overseas Churches

Instruments of power. The States General and their archives 1576-1796

Insurance funds

Joannes Antonides van der Goes, Ystroom (1671)

Johan van Oldenbarnevelt. Papers concerning his state policies and family life, 1570-1620

Journal entries of Vice Admiral F. Pinke, who was Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet in the Dutch East Indies 1914-1916

Journals and notes of Willem Hendrik de Beaufort, 1874-1918

Kingdom in the making. An access to the years 1813-1815

Knowledge Centre of the Dutch East India Company

Leiden’s textile industry 1333-1795

Letters and correspondences around 1900 (Witsen and Verwey)

Letters and other papers related to Daniël van der Meulen 1584-1600

Letters by Geertruida Bosboom-Toussaint (1812-1886)

Lodewijk van Deyssel – Menschen en Bergen

Manuscript Blauwe Schuit

Manuscript Serrure

Manuscript Van den Stock

Marginal Scholarship: The Practice of Learning in the Early Middle Ages

Maritime History of the Netherlands

Minutes of the States of Holland 1620-1640

National Biographical Dictionary – NBW

Nederlandsche Historiebladen

New Dutch Biographical Dictionary

Nicolaas Witsen

North-Brabant Charters 690-1312

Official decisions recorded by the town council of Maastricht 1367-1428

Official letters of the United East India Company (VOC), 1610-1795

Official recommendations made by C. Snouck Hurgronje 1889-1936

Officially recognised associations

Ogier of Denemerken

Online Dictionary of Dutch Women

Princely archives of Gelre, Holland, Zealand and the Sticht prior to 1500

Private Synod of South Holland 1621-1700

Provincial Finances of the Dutch Republic 1572-1795

Repertorium of Dutch Protestant and Catholic missionary archives, ca. 1800-1960

Repertorium of ego-documents of nineteenth-century Dutchmen
Repertorium of texts in the manuscript Van Hulthem

Repertorium of the minor political parties 1918-1967

Repertorium Patriotten, Oranjegezinden en Bataven. Politieke Sociabiliteit 1781-1798

Reports of Central Intelligence communications, 1919-1940

Requests for information made by the Batavian-French government 1795-1813

Research Guide dealing with Government and Administration in the Batavian-French period 1795-1813

Research Guide World War II Victims

Resolutions of the States General 1576-1630

Resolutions of the States General 1626-1630

Roman Catholic religious confraternities in the Netherlands during the 19th century

Roman sources on the ecclesiastical history of the Netherlands from 1592-1727

Roman sources on the ecclesiastical history of the Netherlands from 1727-1831

Roman sources on the ecclesiastical history of the Netherlands from 1832-1914

Roman sources on the ecclesiastical history of the Netherlands in the 16th century

Saken van staet en oorlogh, in ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden

Scientiarum Historia

Social Security 1890-1967

Source and publication

Sources for the economic history of the lower Maas region 1104-1534

Sources of information on the life and work of D.V. Coornhert 1541-1590

Sources on the history of Dutch trade in the Baltic area during the seventeenth century

Sources on the history of Levantine trade 1590-1826

Sources on the history of Middelburg 1217-1574

Sources on the history of Rijnsburg Abbey 1140-1620

Sources on the history of trade with France 753-1585

Sources relating to the Central Moluccas 1900-1942

Sports associations, sports clubs and sports periods in the Netherlands until 1940

Statistics on Dutch industry from the first half of the nineteenth century


The administration of Holland. Writings on the administration of the county of Holland in the period from 1299 to1567

The Chronicle of Groningen up to 1528

The Chronicle of the Margaretha-monastry

The Chronicles of Holland, Zeeland and Frisia

The Cornelius Aurelius chronicles

The correspondence between G. J. P. J. Bolland and P. J. Cosijn (1879-1899)

The Correspondence of Christofforo Suriano (1616-1623)

The correspondence of Constantijn Huygens 1608-1687

The correspondence of J.R. Thorbecke 1830-1872

The Correspondence of William of Orange 1549-1584

The diaries of G.K. van Hogendorp 1806-1813

The Diaries of Willem de Clercq 1811-1844

The Digital Bibliography of the history of the Netherlands – DBNG

The dispatches of Thomas Plott (1681-1682) and Thomas Chudleigh (1682-1685). English envoys at The Hague

The Dutch church in London 1569-1585

The Dutch East India Company’s shipping between the Netherlands and Asia 1595-1795

The Dutch in the Caribbean World, c. 1670-c. 1870

The historical record of the Netherlands 1795-1840

The household effects of the House of Orange 1567-1795

The Johannes de Beke Chronicle up until 1430

The Journals of P.J.M. Aalberse 1891-1947

The Kattendijke Chronicle until 1490

The Lion with the Seven Arrows. The Province in National Administration

The London diaries of baron O.C.A. van Lidth de Jeude MSc, 1940-1945

The memoirs of Anton Reinhardt Falck 1828-1837

The Netherlands and European Integration, 1950-1986

The Netherlands and Italy 649-1850

The Netherlands and Sweden 1520-1920

The Netherlands and the Baltic countries 1191-1792

The origins of the Constitution 1814-1815. Collection of Sources

The Peter van Os Chronicle up until 1523

The pound toll-registers of Elbing 1585-1700

The registers of the Counts of Holland in the Hainaut period, 1299-1345

The Society of Amsterdam, 1578-1795

The toll at Iersekeroord 1321-1572

The United East India Company (VOC) in Kerala 1663-1701

The United East India Company (VOC) in Persia 1611-1638

The United East India Company (VOC) in Taiwan 1629-1662

The United East India Company (VOC) on Ambon 1605-1788

The University of Leiden 1574-1811

Theology of the Netherlands. Biographical dictionary of Dutch Theologians

Venetian reports 1600-1795

Verse chronicle of Holland (366-1305)

Viennese embassy communications from 1670 to 1720

Vincent van Gogh – The Letters

Walewein ende Keye