The administration of Holland. Writings on the administration of the county of Holland in the period from 1299 to1567

By J.A.M.T. Bos-Rops, J.G. Smit and E.T. van der Vlist

Holland bestuurdĀ (The administration of Holland) consists of 104 texts all of which have to do with the administration of Holland. The oldest text, dating from 1303, is the last will and testament of Count John II and his wife. The most recent text dates from 1559 and is the appointment by Philip II of William of Orange as Stadhouder of Holland.

Marriage contracts, wills, letters of reconciliation and financial agreements could have a great impact on the county and on relationships within the family of the Count/Countess: who will get what and how are we to deal with each other from now on? The collection also includes texts that are of fundamental importance to understanding the relationship between the count or countess and those who served them, such as great privileges and alliances. In this way, the collection reflects the history of the county of Holland in broad lines: the succession of the rulers of different sexes from Hainault, Bavaria, Burgundy and Austria, the Hook and Cod wars, the balance of power between rulers and those who serve them, and the increasing influence of the Dukes of Burgundy and Archdukes of Austria on the administration and their desire for a strict organization.

The collection contains key texts about the administration of Late Medieval Holland. They are published in the original or best version and to this end a great deal of research was carried out in many national and foreign archives. The collection has proven its value to the writing of the history of the county of Holland and to university research.