Allard Pierson Correspondence

Amongst other positions, Allard Pierson (1831ā€“1896) was a church minister in Leuven and Rotterdam, professor of theology in Heidelberg, and professor of art history, aesthetics, and modern languages in Amsterdam. He also became an authoritative literary critic, who corresponded with numerous contemporaries. The Allard Pierson Correspondence project makes his letters available online in the form of images of the originals and searchable transcripts of the texts.

Piersonā€™s letters have largely been collected and transcribed by Prof. Willem Balke, assisted by Benjamin van Bilsen MA. The preliminary results of their editing work have been transferred to the Huygens Institute , where Mr Van Bilsen has taken care of a relaunch of the project.

Concluding work was partly performed by Nina Wijsbek MA and is currently being continued by Dr Jan Prins. Prof. J. de Bruijn, Prof. O. Praamstra, Prof. Hans Trapman and Dr Gerlof Verwey are acting as advisers. Financial support is provided by the Coornhert Foundation.