Nina Lamal studied early modern history at KU Leuven. In 2014, she received her PhD from KU Leuven and University of St Andrews for a thesis on Italian interest in the Revolt in the Netherlands (1566-1648). After her PhD, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Universal Short Title Catalogue (University of St Andrews) from 2015 to 2017. In 2017, she received an FWO postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Antwerp for a project on the enduring importance of handwritten newsletters in the seventeenth century. She is now working as a postdoctoral researcher at NL-Lab on the project Inventing Public Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe. At the Huygens Institute, she is responsible for publishing the correspondence of Christofforo Suriano, Venetian envoy to the Dutch Republic between 1616 and 1623.
Her research mainly focuses on the role of different media in early modern political culture. She is currently investigating why and how diplomats in the early modern period tried to influence foreign audiences in the Dutch Republic and German territories.
- ‘Communicating conflict: early modern soldiers as information-gatherers’, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 50:1 (2020), pp. 13-31. Special issue The Dynamics of Cultural Reception edited by Marie-Louise Coolahan.
- ‘A transnational newspaper venture. Publishing an Italian newspaper in Habsburg Vienna (1671-1700)’, Quaerendo. A Journal Devoted to Manuscripts and Printed Books, 49:3 (2019), pp. 228-254.
- ‘Commerce and good governance: the broadsheet ordinances in the Van der Meulen archive’, in A. Pettegree (ed.), Broadsheets. Single-sheet publishing in the first age of Print (Leiden: Brill, 2017), pp. 207-239.
- ‘Promoting the Catholic Cause on the Italian peninsula: printed avvisi on the Dutch Revolt and the French Wars of Religion (1562-1600)’, in J. Raymond, N. Moxham (eds.), News Networks in Early Modern Europe (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 675-694.
- ‘Translated and often printed in most languages of Europe’: movement and translation of Italian histories on the Dutch Revolt across Europe’, in S. Barker, M. Maclean (eds.), International Exchange in the European Book World (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 125-146.
Research projects
- contribution to journal (article)
- contribution to journal (review)
- contribution to edited volume
- working paper
- book (author)
- book (editor)
- conference participation
- public engagement
- non textual