I am an early modern historian. I completed my doctoral degree at the University of Leiden (2014) and worked as a Departmental Lecturer at the University of Oxford (2016-17), Career Development Lecturer at Pembroke College, Oxford (2018-2019) and Stipendiary Lecturer in History, Brasenose College,Oxford (April-September 2021). My doctoral dissertation was brought out as a book titled Staging Asia: The Dutch East India Company and the Amsterdam Theatre by Leiden University Press in 2016. Like my book, my articles have focussed on global history and how the Dutch encounter with Asia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was captured in writing in VOC records, travel accounts and literary works. I currently research the subject of disease in the early modern Banda Islands, Indonesia.
“In the Company of Global History”, in BMGN – Low Countries of Historical Review, Vol. 134, No. 2 (2019), 103-114.
Staging Asia: The Dutch East India Company and the Amsterdam Theatre, c. 1650 to 1780, Leiden University Press (2016)
“Caught in Confessional Crossfire: Representations of Johann Adam Schall von Bell in Dutch Sources in the 1660s,” in Europe meets China, China meets Europe: The Beginnings of European-Chinese Scientific Exchange in the 17 th Century, Shu-Juan Deiwiks, Bernhard Fuhrer and Therese Geulen ed. (Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica, 2014), 131-154.
“When Vondel Looked Eastwards: A Study of Representation and Information Transfer in Joost van den Vondel’s Zungchin (1667),” in Shifting the Compass: Pluricontinental connections in Dutch Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature, Jeroen Dewulf, Olf Praamstra and Michiel van Kempen ed.(Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013),91-111.
“Casting Despots in Dutch Drama: The Case of Nadir Shah in Van Steenwyk’s Thamas Koelikan,” in Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol.48, No.2 (April, 2011), 241-286.
Research projects
- contribution to journal (article)
- contribution to edited volume
- contribution to conference
- working paper
- conference participation
- public engagement